SonoCloud First Project

The SonoCloud First project, led by Prof. Alexandre Carpentier, head of the neurosurgery department at Pitié-Salpêtrière and coordinator of the GRC Neuromachine Interface, aims to offer a new therapeutic response to the treatment of glioblastoma. The current median survival of glioblastoma is 15 months, with 1st line treatments combining surgery, radiology and chemotherapy whose efficacy is limited by the blood-brain barrier. The team has developed an ultrasound-emitting medical device (SonoCloud), implanted during tumour removal surgery to prevent recurrence. It allows transient permeabilization of the blood-brain barrier during chemotherapy sessions, thus increasing the degree of treatment delivery.  The SonoCloud First project, coordinated by AP-HP, will receive funding of 2.9 million euros.

Visit the SonoFirst website :

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