SiRIC CURAMUS has been created in 2018 with the mission to accelerate translational research in different fields of oncology. To reach this goal, CURAMUS promotes the initiation of innovative and transdisciplinary research projects, to better enhance the academic and clinical potential of our research laboratories and our hospitals.
In this context, CURAMUS launches its 3rd call for proposals, with a budget allowance of 180Â 000 euros. A specific attention will be paid to projects concerning tumor microenvironnement, antitumor immunotherapies and artificial intelligence in oncology.
This budget will allow to finance translationnal or clinical resarch projects for a period of 12 months.
Translationnal or clinical research projects:
- Each project must associate at least two Sorbonne Université teams by favoring a pluridisciplinary approach with teams from the Faculty of Medicine, Sciences and Engineering or Letters.
- The clinical research projects must only concern ancillary studies (from ongoing or closed studies) or projects related to the Jardé law 2 and 3 that can give results within 12 months.
- IMPORTANTLY: the projects leaders engage themselves to write a final scientific report to deliver at the latest for the 30th of june 2022. The results must be published within a maximum of 3 years and must mention SiRIC CURAMUS and its financial supports.
Projects funding and duration:
- The total budget requested must not exceed 45 k€.
- For the clinical research projects, the budget must be validated by the potential promotor (URC APHP or INSERM).
- Are considered as non eligibles: investment expenses, projects already funded during the previous calls for proposals « Emergence Curamus » in 2018 and 2019.
- Total duration of the projects is fixed to 12 months, including the time to obtain reglementary autorizations, for both translationnal and clinical research. Within this period, the project feasibility will be valued. The project must be ready to begin 2 months after the notification of this call for proposal assignment.
- The funds will be allocated by AP-HP. SORBONNE UNIVERSITE to the establishments of the partner teams. A financial report certifying the correct use of the funds must be provided before the 31st of august 2022, all the supporting accounting documents can be requested by SiRIC CURAMUS.
Evaluation criteria will be:
- Originality and innovative feature
- Scientific quality of the project
- Feasibility
- Adequacy to the call for proposals and to the objectives of CURAMUS.
The jury will have a special interest into projects that associate multidisciplinary teams in the perimeter of Medical, Science and Engineering or Letters faculties from Sorbonne University.
If the project implies clinical research, supporting structures involved in its implementation (CRB, CIC, URC, Départements de Santé publique) must imperatively be solicited upstream.
Selection process:
The projects will be evaluated by SiRIC external experts and one protractor chosen from SiRIC CURAMUS. The allocation of the subventions will be based on these evaluations and decided after a deliberation by a jury constituted by the coordination committee.
The request (in French or in English) will be constructed as following:
Scientific abstract (15 lines max)
Research project (5 pages max)
- State of the art
- Justification of the request
- Positioning of the applicant teams compared to international competition
- Objectives and developed methodology
- Experimental plan
- Expected results
- Bibliography
Involved teams
- Involved persons, status, and percentage of time dedicated to the project
- Participating teams
- Major publications over the last 5 years
- Operation
- Small equipment
- Vacations
Propositions for 3 French speaking protractors from the field that don’t present conflict of interest with your works (no common publication since at least 3 years). Informations below:
Calendar :
- Submission of the projects before the 15th of february 2021 at midnight, under electronic format to the following mail adress:
- Projects selection:Â march 2021.
INCA-DGOS-Inserm_12560 : SiRIC CURAMUS is financially supported by the French National Cancer Institute, the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health and Inserm.