Team 8: Microbiota, gut and inflammation
Centre de recherche Saint-Antoine (CRSA)
Pr Philippe Seksik & Pr Harry Sokol
The main objective of the Microbiota, Intestine and Inflammation (MI2) team is to decipher the mechanisms underlying intestinal-host microbiome interactions in health and disease, particularly in intestinal inflammation. This team, co-led by Harry Sokol and Philippe Seksik, is currently working on several aspects of the pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), common diseases affecting up to 1% of the population. The research projects developed in the laboratory are based on complementary expertise such as i) knowledge of IBD (natural history, therapeutic strategies), ii) intestinal microbiome ecology (microbiome analysis, interactions, resilience, targeted metabolomics), iii) physiology of intestinal epithelial cells (barrier function and signalling pathways), iv) analysis of hydrophobic molecules in the intestinal environment (mass spectrometry) and v) microorganism-host immunity interactions. These cross-disciplinary skills at the frontier of cell biology, immunology, microbiology and medicine allow extensive studies to be carried out from the patient's bed to the laboratory and from the laboratory to the patient's bed. The team is composed of 3 full-time researchers and 10 academics or hospital-academic staff. The technical support provided by 4 technicians and 3 engineers ensures the continuity and realization of the team's research activities. The Microbiota, Intestine and Inflammation team is part of the joint project of the CRSA.
Affiliations: UPMC/Inserm UMR_S1157/CNRS7203 Avenir Team: Gut microbiota and immunity