Team 72: metaphysics, history, transformation, news (EA 3552)
Sorbonne Université Lettres
Pr Vincent Carraud
The host team (EA 3552), metaphysics, history, transformation, news is led by Professor Vincent Carraud. It belongs to the Doctoral School V (ministerial code: ED 0433), Concepts and Languages, and brings together a large number of teacher-researchers, researchers and doctoral students working in the field of the history of philosophy, metaphysics and philosophy of art. The field of research extends from the philosophy of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages to the most contemporary period, beyond any simply chronological breakdown, since the emphasis is on the methods of the history of philosophy, the question of its periodization, and more generally the diversity of its histories, in its various divisions and disciplinary fields.
The host team is structured around seven research centers and includes three ANR programs and one transversal program: In addition to the two "historical" centres, the Centre d'Études cartésiennes and the Centre Pierre Abélard, the Centre d'études leibniziennes, the Centre d'hménéutique phénoménologique, the Centre d'études de la philosophie classique allemande et de sa postérité (CEPCAP), the Centre Victor Basch (research in aesthetics and philosophy of art), and the College des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine (Centre Emmanuel Lévinas) have recently been added.
Affiliations: Paris-Sorbonne Metaphysics, Actuality, History and Transformation EA3552