Team 7: Random modelling of statistical life, data, algorithms

Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation (LPSM), Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

Pr Gregory Nuel

The Stochastics and Biology Group (SBG), is one of the six research teams of the Probability and Statistics Lab. (LPSM — UMR CNRS 8001) of Sorbonne Université. The French name of SBG is Modélisation Aléatoire du Vivant (MAV). The team was created in 2011 in the former LPMA. SBG is led by G. Nuel since 2018 (A. Lambert former head of SBG, 2011-2017). SBG gathers probabilists and statisticians of the LPSM interested in mathematical problems inspired by biology and/or applying mathematics to biological problems. SBG's main biological research themes are:
  • Population Biology — Ecology; Population Genetics; Evolution; see also homepage of the SMILE group.
  • Genomics and Genetics — Analysis of Sequences; Gene Networks; Genetic Epidemiology; Cancer Genetics.
  • Neuroscience — Single Neuron; Neural Networks.
  Website: Affiliations: UPMC/CNRS UMR7599 Laboratoire des probabilités et modèles aléatoires Contact: